No Code
September 23, 2023

Building AI solutions without code | No-code

Published By
Dean M
Reading Time
6 mins

AI has been the buzzword over the last several months and for good reasons. However the common misconceptions is that you need to be an expert programmer or data scientist to develop & deploy these AI solutions. Today that's changed, and it's changing faster than the eye can see.

With a simple API call setup (message sent to OpenAI's system) you can harness the power of an AI model that's been trained on around 100 trillion parameters (GPT-4). Today, we're still exploring it's capabilities and will be for some time. However when we want to use our own data, say a company's SOPs, or something that's distinct to a company, things get a little tricky. We can obviously paste in large chunks of data, but this can get pretty cost prohibitive (and we're pretty limited on how much data we can paste in via the context windows). So what's the solution?

Semantic Retrieval Searches. This involves taking the data that you want to ingest (upload), chunking it up into relative pieces, then embeddings the chunks. This essentially takes the human readable words and converts it into something a computer can understand. So next time a user such as you or me asks a question it'll know the relevant chunks to grab as context to provide in the query (based on a similarity search. Just think about grabbing the most similar chunks of text by comparing two numbers). They can range from simple retrieval systems, to a lot more complex with a plethora of sources

simple chunking diagram of data (no-retrival)

This is essentially the mechanism that's being utilized within all of these custom GPT builders. Although their are other no-code solutions out there, we've created one that's made to be fully abstract so you as the builder of your no-code application (on can plug our software exactly seamlessly into your app to allow your end-users (the users using your application) to upload and query their own data, completely through your application.  That's it, a simple custom AI tool that allows a scalable & secure mechanism for your application made for your users.

We've seen many use-cases with customer specific data, to different departments of a company (marketing, HR, Sales) utilize this our solution. And the best part is, you can get stup within minutes just by installing our plugin within your app.

You can get started today by signing up for a Cerum Flow plan (token usage is on us) on our official website. You can also view our documentation if you want to look more closely into our tool's workflow actions.